Edinburgh International Book Festival: Are You Sitting Comfortably? – Evelyn Glennie reads ‘Listen’
Start your day with a magical half hour of stories for children and families. Appearing today: world-famous percussionist, Evelyn Glennie, reading Listen: How Evelyn Glennie, a Deaf Girl, Changed Percussion, by Shannon Stocker.
This event is ‘in person’, and is aimed at children aged 3+. Tickets are free, but must be booked in advance.
This event is part of the Edinburgh International Book Festival events.
Listen book wins award
Congratulations to Shannon Stocker and Devon Holzwarth on winning the Schneider Family Book Award for best Picture Book in the 2023 American Library Association Youth Media Awards, for Listen: How Evelyn Glennie, a Deaf Girl, Changed Percussion! For those of you not familiar with the award, the Schneider Family Book Awards honour an author or illustrator for a book that … Read More