Learning new timpani techniques in the kitchen… My online consultation | Janice Flanders

Janice Flanders - My Consultation

Janice’s husband wanted to arrange a special Christmas gift for his wife, and thought that a personal consultation with Evelyn would be perfect! Janice’s husband wanted to arrange a special Christmas gift for his wife, and thought that a personal consultation with Evelyn would be perfect! The date was arranged to follow a concert where Janice was playing some challenging timpani movements from Beethoven’s 8th Symphony.

As a life-long and self-taught timpani and percussion player, performing in amateur orchestras and wind bands, Janice wanted some constructive criticism and a general discussion on her playing style. She arranged for her concert performance to be filmed, and sent along the clips to Evelyn in advance, along with notes about the specific movements and bars, and the relevant music.

Setting up her timpani’s in the kitchen, she had a 60 minute online session and shared her feedback with us.

For Once, I Listen… My Experience of Online Consultation with Evelyn | Mayumi Nakabayashi

“Ever since I have known Evelyn offers online consultations to instrumentalists, I was wondering if she would also be interested in coaching singers like myself. I have been singing a particular genre of singing tradition; Georgian polyphony (mostly 3 parts acapella singing).  Like so many others, I have been inspired by Evelyn’s works and her special relationship with the world … Read More

My consultation with Evelyn Glennie | Steven Moore

Steven Moore's Consultation with Evelyn Glennie Blog Post Cover

“After following Evelyn’s career for nearly all of my life, the prospect of meeting and having a consultation with her was an achievement in itself.  Whilst this could have been overwhelming, the moment we met I felt at ease and an amazing learning environment was created. With my performance of Ney Rosauro’s Marimba concerto fast approaching, the piece I chose … Read More