A few days ago, we had an incredibly touching story emailed into us about a little girl called Darcey. We are fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to share her story on our blog:
“I am writing to tell you about my little daughter Darcey, and how introducing her to Evelyn has shaped her life.
When Darcey was 3 years old, she lost her eye to retinoblastoma. In my desperate need to convince myself and her how we must not close doors around us, I showed her how Evelyn was able to play incredible music, without hearing it in the way same that everybody else hears it.
Darcey turned out to be a musical child. So I told her that when she reached grade 4 on the piano, she could pick an orchestral instrument. After researching through Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra, and going to shows and concerts with us, Darcey held firm the belief that percussion was hers, and particularly ‘the marimba’.
Well, for a one-eyed child, I did think that this may prove impractical, not to mention the other significant impracticalities that this instrument brings with it!! But then I reflected upon my initial reasons for introducing Darcey to Evelyn, and the fact that I had given her the choice, and there we were. I bought her a 3 octave xylophone for her 7th birthday.
A year later, we took her along for an open day, and persuaded them to let her try for both piano and percussion sections. She was given joint first study, and now 6 months later, at 8 years old, she has just performed her 1st percussion platform there; a Bach 2 part invention on the marimba, and Log Cabin Blues by George Hamilton Green on the xylophone. It was pure joy.
Earlier in the year, Darcey was learning about biographies. Most of the children chose to write about about their mum or grandpa, but Darcey chose to write about you, Evelyn.
So really what I would like to say here Evelyn, is thank you. Thank you so much for teaching us that we all have capabilities and potential beyond our understanding, and that we must not let what may be viewed as an impairment shatter our dreams. May all children have their worlds opened through music or art or curiosity.”

If you have a story to tell us about the influence Evelyn has had on you, we would love to hear it! Feel free to email it in to pr@evelyn.co.uk and if you wish for it to be on our blog, do let us know. Together, lets #TeachTheWorldToListen.