Following up on the Resonance jewellery launch that took place at the bookshop Ler Devagar in Lisbon, we wanted to share this informal blog with a collection of images that will give you a glimpse on how well it went. Hope you like it!

I fell in love with these mannequins as soon as I laid eyes on them. Do you think they look striking?

Filipa Malho putting together all the bits and pieces, making sure everything is in place for the launch.

Richard Buckley, a very old friend who moved to Portugal several years ago. He kindly allowed me to ask him a few questions for a project I’ve been working on. It was so good to catch up with him!

Attempting to take a photo of the mannequins with my phone.

Realising that I’ll never be a good photographer…

Here’s how it’s done! Lighting, positioning, angles… – the art is in the details!

Alas it was time to get the launch going, as the first guests start to arrive.

It soon became very busy as people were queuing to take a closer look at the pieces!

Luckily there was wine to make the wait smoother!

Having a chat and a drink?

Or would you rather just enjoy this little guy’s impromptu performance giving way to the presentation?

Everyone there showed real interest in getting to know more about the collection.

It was a pleasure getting to know a few of the people that joined us for the launch – so many interesting stories!

With Filipa talking about the collection and how it came to life.

The presentation from a different perspective.

Doing what I do best as a thank you to all the people that joined us for the launch in Lisbon. What a pleasure it was to get to know you!

A huge thank you to the bookshop Ler Devagar, for helping us make this launch a huge success!
PS: Another big thank you to Filipe Santos, the photographer that covered the event for us. He is the reason we have so many quality photos to share with you!